Patron’s Message
`The Canon Law Society of India’ is one of the professional organizations in the Church in India that is close to my heart. I saw it growing. And, as a person closely associated with the Association all through these years, I am proud of its growth.
I vividly recall that first meeting when the seed of the Society was planted. It was in Pune in January 1987, that Fr. George Lobo and I discussed with Archbishop Peter Fernando, who was at that time the Secretary of CBCI Commission for Clergy and Religious, the possibility of a Canon Law Society in India. The CBCI Commission agreed to sponsor the first such meeting. We subsequently had a meeting in Mumbai to finalize the arrangements. At that meeting Bishop Valerian D’Souza, Bishop Joseph Kaithathara and Msgr. William Nazareth were also present. Later, we had four meetings at Chennai, Mumbai, Goa and Alwaye, and these gatherings for serious study and reflection helped the seed to sprout, germinate and further grow into a strong plant. When I look back now, I can say with joy and satisfaction, the Canon Law Society of India has taken strong roots, grown in stature and strength, it has produced abundant fruits, `like a tree planted by streams of water’, as the psalmist says.
Each year, one of the significant moments of the Canon Law Society of India is its Annual Conference. It is blessed with scholarly presentations, serious discussions and fruitful interactions. By and large, we have succeeded in publishing the proceedings each year in “Canonical Studies”, which has often turned out to be a good reference volume. am happy that this website has a collection of selected articles from the Canonical Studies, together with other important information on the Canon Law Society of India.
Law is at the service of the society. As an association of those specialized in Law, especially in Canon Law, we have a greater role to play in the Church and society. Let us do it with love and commitment. As St. Paul reminds us in I Tess. 1:5, “Finis autem praecepti est caritas de corde puro”, “Love from a pure heart is the purpose of the law.”
May God bless all our efforts!
Archbishop of Bombay &
Patron, Canon Law Society of India